Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Starting Our Homestudy

We officially got all our paperwork for the Homestudy. It is quite a pile of papers! It was definitely a bit overwhelming when it first came. Our social worker called today and that was a huge relief. She called us before we called her! So cool.

Now all we have to do is send in our reference list, our autobiographies, and... $1550. That is the bump in the road right now. We don't really have that kind of money lying around. So we are going to work on getting it. Anyone want to help?

Mom and Dad are selling a car and said that if we do the work of selling it, we can keep half the money for the adoption. That sounds like a good start to me.

That's all for now. I know, not too exciting. Hopefully it will get better...

1 comment:

Emily Brianne said...

yeah... this is so exciting!!! I will definitely be following the process for you guys!!