Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Do I wish we had a hybrid car? Sometimes, but really, let's go all electric! I am just dreaming. We are not really buying a car.

We are doing a diaper hybrid. We have decided to go with reusable diapers at home and disposables for overnight trips. There are so many brands out there. It can get overwhelming. But we are excited to have made a decision and we feel it is a great choice.

This video sure helped a lot:

What are you using?

1 comment:

Sarah Elwer said...

Hi Bet! I "found" your blog thru a facebook post of yours a while ago and have been "stalking" your process for a while now! I am so excited for you and your husband as you wait your son! My husband and I also desire to adopt sometime in the future and I am so blessed to read about your heart for adoption!

Being a cloth diaper family I felt like i should at least give a little shout out to you on this post (and come clean on my blog stalking) We have been using BumGenius for about 13 months now and have loved them! I did recently fall in love with another brand a few friends are using called GroBaby. They seem great and I may just have to get a few when/if we have another one

Did you decide on a brand to use yet?