Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Oil Spill and Adoption

I watch the news every morning. The BP oil spill seems to have a monopoly on air time. It seems that we hear about it every day. I recently heard them say, "We continue to wait without any real guarantees."

Hmmm... sounds familiar.

The entire country seems to be waiting indefinitely for BP to cap the spill or find some way to stop the oil from GUSHING into the Gulf. From the very beginning we heard the "worst case scenario is late July" but they were working on it, hoping it would be sooner. Our adoption has passed the "worst case scenario timeline" that anyone told us.

Do we all want it to be today? YES! Can we do anything to make it today? No, not unless we are working for BP or the government.

Do I want Beans home today? YES! Can I do anything to make it today? No. I don't work for the orphanage or the government.

The first few times that they thought the spill was contained, many of us had hope. As more attempts are made, that hope can dwindle. Eventually, new developments can just become fact instead of hope to hang our hat on.

Yet I, I have to continue to hope. That's all I can do. I get my hopes up often, but I would rather hope each time than not hope at all.

We are still waiting. I hope we get a good phone call today. I hope the oil stops gushing today. I continue to hope.

***I would like to say that the BP oil spill is just an absolute travesty in my mind and heart. My heart breaks for all those affected, including the family and friends of the 11 killed.

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