Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"The Call" Parts Two and Three

"The Call" is the BIG one. The match with our Mamush. That was "the Call" for us. But there is another "call" that is a big deal. News of our court date. Bonus this week, we got two. Confused? Well here is what happened.

On Monday, Ashley (our amazing rockstar social worker extraordinaire) called us to tell us that we have a court date! It is December 14. Perfect! Ethiopia for Christmas. Awesome! So we told everyone. Dec 14. We would leave on Dec 10. Just after Erik turns 30 (whoa). Flurries of texts and phone calls later, we settled into the idea. We would prepare for two months and go. I would have a couple showers and it would be good times. Plenty to do, but plenty of time to do it.

I hardly slept on Mon night. I was thinking about Moosh. I was thinking about all of my plans. I was thinking about that first meeting and the joy of holding him. I was thinking about buying a stroller and some crib sheets. I was thinking about how much life would change overnight and we would be parents!!!

Tuesday came and I went to my weekly prayer meeting around 10:30. I got done and had a message from CHI. "That's weird," I thought, hoping it was not bad news. I listened to the voicemail and Ashley sounded excited. ( I am glad she is easy to read on the vm.) But she was going to lunch, so I just left her a message back.

Around 1:15, she called. Here is how the beginning of the call went:

A: I have good news for you, can you guess what it would be?
B: You have 14 more kids for me?
A: No, but you would take that many?
B: Oh for sure. I want that many, but Erik might not approve. He wants 4. Realistically, I want 12. So we are compromising at 8. (laugh)
A: Well how does a November court date sound?
A: How about Nov 12?
B: What?! Is that even possible? Less than a month? Oh my goodness!!! How?
A: They moved it up because things are going faster than expected with the new two trips!
B: So we really get to see him in less than a month?
A: Yup!

 Pure bliss, and pure excitement followed for five minutes. More phone calls, more texts, and then it sunk in - we were meeting Moosh in 30 days! We had to book tickets for Nov 9! Wow.

It has been a whilrwind since. I love it and hate it all at once. I am so excited to go, but we have so much to do and this week is just crazy already. First, I am booking some tickets to see my son. Wow again. Wow.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I had so many goose bumps while reading this: imagining the beautiful encounter with your son. The Lord be with your family over this next month!

Sarah Sikkema Seitz said...

So exciting Erik & Bet! Praying for you as you continue to prepare for parenthood!

oc said...

I'm so excited for you both! That is just awesome.

Unknown said...

AWE!!! Congrats Mama!! You two are both so deserving of this!! Moosh is gonna have an amazing life with you two!! <3 you!