Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!


We passed court today and we are officially the parents of our little MOOSH!

We are thrilled and are so thankful. What a Thanksgiving!

We are still working on naming him. I know, I know, what is taking us so long?! We just don't feel at peace yet, although mom and dad are on the same page with our top three options.

Thank you so much for all the love you have given us in this process. Look for more pictures sometime soon!

Erik, Bet, and Moosh Olson (I love writing that!)


Christy. said...

I'm crying.... God is GREAT and you all look amazingly happy!!

Sara said...

He is PERFECT!!!!! SO HAPPY for you guys!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tracking With the Allisons said...

Very Cool Guys! Great Picture. A Thanksgiving to Remember that's for sure. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your first official day as parents.

Tamryn, Jon, Ezzie and Lina Weber said...

Everytime I check my blog page, I keep waiting for this post! Congratulations!!!

April D said...

Moosh is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats to you and Erik! Makes me miss addis and our babies soooooooooo much.

On another note, just discovered that we both know Kara Powell and Brad Griffin. Small world...

Jackie R. said...

WONDERFUL! Congratulations! He's adorable and the 3 of you look perfect together! :)

Matt and Sarah said...

Hurray!!!! Congratulations!!! He is so precious! :)

aubsblog said...

A Thanksgiving to remember! Praise the Lord!!! He's beautiful!!

Xan + Kevin said...

yippee! so very, very happy!

Evan said...

YIPPEE!! You are a beautiful family that is for sure!!! What an Amazing Thanksgiving Gift!

Sarah Elwer said...

he is so precious! Congratulations!

Sarah Sikkema Seitz said...

Congratulations! He is adorable! So happy for your family. Big love to you!

Kathryn said...

What a Thanksgiving blessing you received.